August 2018
NPO pulusualuha
We have released an English page which is created with Ms. Lisa Hosokawa, Third Space Tokyo. Lisa and PULUSU deeply shared vision and value through a production process. Hope you can visit the page and find our thoughts and tools.
From picture books to posters to an informational website, PULUSU is a content-rich organization. Both Representative Director Yoko Kitano and I knew that we could not simply say “Let’s put it all in English.” We had to take a design approach and think strategically about creating one initial tool that could increase the organization’s potential for collaboration with non-Japanese supporters. We decided on an English webpage that would share the essence of PULUSU’s mission, approach, and achievements. The result is a true co-creation, and I hope that all who read it will want to learn more about this unique and valuable organization.
Lisa Hosokawa
》English page (What is PULUSU?)
Third Space Tokyoの細川リサさんと共に作成しました。
既存の団体ページの英訳ではなく、ぷるすあるはのコンテンツ、想いを共有し、一から作り上げたページです。完成したページをぜひご覧いただけたらと思います。2018年8月 NPO法人ぷるすあるは